Dear SAP School Families,
Happy Wednesday! Today is 9/21/22 and tonight we have our first Mandatory General Parent Meeting in person in the Parish Hall for Back to School Night 2022. The meeting is from 6:30-8, but please come early to be present for the raffle drawing. More information pertaining to your child should have been sent home from your child’s teachers.
There is limited space in the hall and in the classrooms, so only 1 person per family can come to represent. The other parent can stay home with the children. Otherwise, please find childcare tonight, as NO childcare will be available tonight during the meeting. Non-participation will result in a $50 fine. This was listed on your tuition contracts signed at registration.
Upon arrival, please check with the parents at the front of the hall to sign in. You can pick up a slip upon arrival from parents and hand this slip to teachers in your child’s classrooms to show proof of attendance when you visit your first session. Or you can sign in with your child’s teachers since you will be signing up for the October 10-14 parent conferences tonight. When you arrive, parents will be at the door to greet you and you may sign up for PLCs if you haven’t already joined a committee for the year ahead.
If you have multiple children at the school please contact your child’s teachers directly to set up a time for your parent conference and to receive your Back to School Night packets. All teachers have a digital slide show that they can send to you if you have more than 2 children at this school and you cannot attend both sessions.
Vicki Marsha Uniform, our official uniform company will be on campus today from 3-6pm in Rm 6. You can order and pick up Vicki Marsha Scrip in the office only until 4pm today. After that, you may not purchase Scrip in the office since the office will be closed.
Today is a 1:30pm dismissal for all K-8 students, as we are back on a regular schedule. Every Wednesday, we get out at 1:30pm unless otherwise noted. Kindergarten is also dismissed at 1:30pm today. All other days this week, dismissal is at 3pm. Just a reminder to drive slowly during carline dismissal and continue to be respectful to all. Please do not block crosswalks, red zones, or stop and get out of your car for any reason at all. Thank you to all our parent volunteers who help in the SAFETY PLC!
Yesterday, we started eye exams on campus through our Vision to Learn Program. The mobile eye clinic was on campus yesterday and will be here today through Monday 9/26. Each student who did not pass their eye exam qualifies to get FREE eyeglasses. This program is underwritten this year by the Shea Foundation. We are so grateful for their generosity! Students who opted out of this program will not be screened, tested, or receive any glasses.
Today at morning assembly, we had examples of proper and improper uniforms that could warrant uniform infractions for our students. 3 uniform infractions will equal one detention.
In the past few years, it’s true, we have been more lenient with uniforms and hairstyles because of the pandemic. Students were working remotely from home and not on campus. All they had to worry about was wearing their uniform tops on camera, with pajamas at home as their bottoms. They grew their hair out and did not worry about grooming themselves as much at home. Now that we are back to school in person full time, we have higher expectations.
Please read the handbook for the uniform policy as set forth by the Archdiocese of LA and our school. We want everyone to have a uniform look and to look presentable and neatly groomed. Your children should wear the official uniforms from Vicki Marsha Uniform and all accessories and shoes should be in accordance with our policies found in the Parent Student Handbook that you all sign annually.
Hairstyles should be neatly groomed and clean and out of children’s face. It should not be extreme or sloppy, nor should it cover their eyes and ears. As a private, Catholic school, we want our students to be ready for the professional world. This is the training ground for that professionalism, and our standards are high. Thank you for working in partnership with us on this. More info will be given at the parent meeting tonight. Any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly.
Finally, we have begun our World’s Finest Chocolate Fundraiser! Candy was able to be picked up yesterday in the hall after school starting at 3pm. All those who picked up candy early got raffle tickets for a drawing that will take place tonight before our meeting in the Hall. The prize is a $100 gas card! Come early!
If you pick up your candy today 9/21 before 5pm, you will get raffle tickets, which will also qualify to win the gas card during tonight’s giveaway. After that, the candy will be moved to the office for pickup. Please do not pick it up later than this Friday.
Once again Candy Pickup is all day today in the hall till 5pm near the doors facing the nursery on 163rd St. (Do NOT leave these boxes in your car, as they will melt and ruin the quality of the flavor and product) Do store them in a cool place.
I will start the meeting with the drawing. Those who haven’t picked up candy by 5pm should do so tomorrow because you will be billed whether you pick them up or not. As of last night, there were 49 families who had not picked up their chocolates.
I also wanted to confirm that ONLY families that opted out and have paid the $500 qualify for the BMX and Trojan Drawing with any amount of boxes they sell.
There are families that OPTED OUT of chocolate sales to sell Scrip or raffles instead, so since they haven’t actually paid out for candy in advance, they do not qualify for any benefits unless they sell 5+ boxes like everyone else who qualifies for raffles.
Please see the message that was sent out from our Chocolate Sale Leads: Angelic Nunez-Scott and Monica Torres.
Attached please find the letter regarding the World’s Finest Chocolate fundraiser with important details, date information for Trojan Drawings and the BMX Bike Show.
Tuesday, 9/20 (3:00pm-6:00pm) Please line up outside of Parish Hall from south doors facing the nursery. Any families picking up TUESDAY will receive TWO entries in the raffle for a $100 gift card. Raffle ticket(s) will be given at pickup and must be present to win at the Back to School Night on 9/21.
Wednesday, 9/21 (7:30-5:00pm) All day Chocolate pickup in Parish Hall from south doors facing nursery. Please line up outside of hall doors. Any families picking up WEDNESDAY will receive ONE entry in the raffle for a $100 gift card.
***Raffle ticket(s) will be given at pickup and tickets must be present to win at Back to School Night tonight, 9/21. School is not responsible for any lost tickets. Number if entries does not change if you check out more than your minimum of 4 boxes or if you are a family that has paid out your fundraising and want to participate in the sale.
Starting Thursday, 9/22 7:30am and on, pickups and additional checkouts for chocolates continue in the school office from 7:30am to 4pm.
Families that have opted out of fundraising are welcome to participate. Please see the attached letter for details.
Thank you for your continued support and much success to all SAP families!!!!
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