Dear 8th Grade Parents,
Thank you for joining us at our Back-to-School Night last Wednesday! You can find my 8th Grade English Language Arts syllabus at this link. This will be counted as a Homework assignment, so please review it with your child. I will post this as an assignment in ELA Google Classroom for the students to upload the signatures by Friday, September 30.
College Fair Essay Maps are currently being reviewed and will be returned early this week. The students should be making corrections and get approval from me to begin their Essay Rough Draft. The Rough Draft will be due on Friday, October 7. Please purchase a tri-fold presentation board this week if you have not done so already so your child can start adding pictures, decorations, and captions. The College Fair Guidelines and mini-due dates can be found here on this link.
The students have been assigned their Accelerated Reader (AR) trimester reading goals based on their Window I STAR Reading scores. This is 10% of their Reading grade each trimester. They must reach 50% of the goal by FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 and 100% by FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18. I will also include a grade for quiz accuracy, indicated in their Progress as “Average % Correct” (al least 85% average for all book and article quizzes).
They get 25 minutes, 3-4 days/week to read in class. This is a good time to quiz on articles since Renaissance will not allow them to take quizzes after 4pm. They should be reading a book at home for an additional 20 minutes/day, and they may quiz on the books in class during AR time. Our school library has not yet opened, but I do have some books in my classroom online library, as well as a small library in my room that they may borrow from. I am regularly conferencing with the students about their progress, book/article levels, and accuracy. They are also self-monitoring daily using their AR Reading Logs to keep track of their own performance.
Bonus points are available if the students surpass their trimester goal (+1 point per extra 10% above the goal). Because I do not give extra credit assignments, this will help their Reading grade if there happens to be a low score that is pulling the overall percentage down.
Please note that I will be helping Mr. Richardson track all junior high Christian Service Hours this year, as I did for Sr. Tho last year. The requirements are as follows:
8th Grade Service Requirement = 20 hours/year (*can frontload earlier in the year) – OR –
6 hours – 1st trimester / 7 hours – 2nd trimester / 7 hours – 3rd trimester
*We are no longer accepting Home hours. All service hours need to be done at outside community sites (including SAP church and school).
The service hour form can be found on ELA Google Classroom, and hard copies are in my room. The 1st Trimester due date for service hours is FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18. The forms must be complete with Student Information, Parent Signature, Supervisor Evaluation, and Service Reflection on the back. This will be part of the Religion grade every trimester.
As always, please contact me with any questions you may have. Thank you so much!
Mrs. Dyogi
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