Dear Kindergarten Families,
Happy March! I hope this newsletter finds you in good spirits. As we embark on another week of learning and growth, here is all the information that you and your child will need for this week, 3/4-3/8.
Through a grant and generous donor, on Tuesday, 3/5, our class will receive a visit from the Roundhouse Aquarium Teaching Center. Two scientists will help our students discover, immerse and connect with marine science and conservation.
Read Across America
A huge round of applause and a heartfelt thank you to all our incredible celebrity readers who made Read Across America week extra special! Your time, enthusiasm, and love for reading lit up our classrooms and inspired our young readers. I am grateful for the magical moments you shared with our students, making this past week an unforgettable literary adventure.
Thank you all for helping our students celebrate with all the dress up days!
Citizenship & Awards Ceremony
I will be sending out emails to all families of our awardees by Wednesday. For a student to receive a Citizenship award, a student must earn 0’s (Outstanding = 92-100%) on both work habits and behavior grades. Therefore, students’ daily behavior, participation, attendance, assignments, projects, ST MATH goal and work habits are IMPORTANT factors in receiving an award.
Please know that if your child doesn’t earn Citizenship this trimester, there’s still a chance to earn it in the last trimester.
Our All School Mass and 2nd Trimester Awards Assembly will take place in the Church thisFriday, 3/8, starting at 8am. As a reminder, we ask that all who enter our church, the House of God, should be respectful at all times. Men should remove their hats, and there should be no gum chewing, eating of food or drinking in the church. During the awards ceremony, we ask that you hold your applause till the end of the calling out of names for each class.
Monday, Mar. 11- NO SCHOOL
All families are invited to join us on Monday, March 11th, at 10:30 am at Del Amo mall for a special viewing of the Cabrini film. Please note that the movie is rated PG-13.
For students under the age of 13, parental awareness is crucial. We recommend that an adult accompanies all minors during the screening.
Homework Packet
The March packet went home in the green folders last Friday, 3/1. The packets are due March 29th. Incomplete submitted packets will be marked accordingly. These packets are put together to help give insight to your students abilities and what we are doing in the classroom (e.g. writing, coloring, using scissors, sounding out words with beginning, middle and ending sounds).
School calendar can be found (clicking here)
- March 5 – Kindergarten classroom visit by Roundhouse Aquarium Teaching Center (aquarium located in Manhattan Beach)
- March 7 – Talent Show K-8 at 10am in Hall
- March 8 – All School Mass and 2nd Trimester Awards Ceremony
- March 11 – Faculty retreat (NO SCHOOL for STUDENTS) watch “Cabrini” at Del Amo Mall as a family and with staff during our retreat
- March 18 – Kindergarten Field Trip to Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach
- March 29-April 5– Easter Break
- May 1-30 – Hundred X EFG fundraiser for $20,000 $1.60 for each quality brand opinion
- May 13 – May Crowning, and culmination of All School Marian Consecration (starts 4/10)
- May 17-19 – Parish Fiesta
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I will try to respond as soon as I can.
Thank you & God Bless!
Mrs. McCabe
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