Dear SAP School Families,
We are now in our 4th week of our All School Marian Consecration. It continues through May 12, and culminates on May 13 with May Crowning led by our 8th graders, on the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Last week, we celebrated Holy Mass with our Mother Figures. Thank you to all the families who showed up! We really appreciate all the love and support this community provides for our children. We also bid farewell to Mrs. Kelli McCabe and we wish her all the best. Although, this will be a change for our families, we are so blessed to welcome our new Kindergarten teacher, Ms. Marian Calinog, who was supposed to start full-time teaching here in August, but graciously accepted a long-term sub position in Kindergarten to finish off this current Kindergarten year strong. Thank you for your support of her, as she picks up where Mrs. McCabe left off this year.
Teaching is such a demanding profession, and being a Catholic educator is not just a job here at SAP, it’s a vocation. We are so thankful to all our teachers at SAP who answer the call, and dedicate their time to educating our children and helping them grow in the faith here. Every year, since all ADLA employees are on an annual contract, we all have to prayerfully discern where God wants us to be, myself included. I HAVE decided to return as principal here next year, but last Friday, students learned from their teachers that Mr. Richardson and Ms. Sardina will not be returning next year. God is calling Mr. Richardson elsewhere, and Ms. Sardina graduates from the PLACE Corps 2-year program and will be moving back home to serve in her community. We respect their wishes and we have begun securing teachers for next year. We appreciate your referrals and prayers at this time. I will be giving updates this Wednesday at our parent meeting.
We pray for our 8th graders as they leave today for a 4-day spiritual retreat to Thousand Pines. They are led this week by Mr. Richardson and Mr. Aguilar. Mrs. Marianne Dyogi will also be meeting them there and we are grateful to all our teachers who share their faith and expertise with our youth. Please pray for all of them while on retreat and as they travel. The 8th graders will depart today after Mass and Confessions in the church.
This past Saturday, our Folklorico group performed at the Lawndale Youth Parade. These amazing students are led by Martha Zambrano and her sister Sandra, and the students did a beautiful job representing our school. Many thanks to them for preparing our children for their performances. The team always fills us with pride!
Our Hundred X Express Feedback for Good (EFG) Spring fundraiser officially begins on May 1, which will take the place of the Jog-A-Thon fundraising requirement (on your tuition contract) this year. The campaign runs for a month from May 1-30. We have been approved for a $20,000 fundraiser through HundredX! Monies will go toward an upgrade of our camera security system in the daycare room, and an upgrade to our school Wi-Fi services for faster internet access for our students. For every quality brand opinion we do (it takes 1-2 minutes per survey), HundredX will give our school $1.60! If one person does 75 brand opinions (maximum of 25 surveys a day), you will earn Superstar Status! This fundraiser is for everyone you know who is 18 or over. Thanks in advance for your support of this great cause that our children will all benefit from. When you sign up, please choose a team. Every grade level has a team name, so be specific who you want the credit to go to, if you have multiple children. More information will be emailed to you. Thank you to our leads for this fundraiser: Amy Lucas Palanca, Elvia Franco, and Gabrielle Sese!
Progress reports went home from your child’s teacher last Tuesday. All parents were asked to sign it and return it to school. If you have any questions on your child’s progress, please set up a meeting with your child’s teachers.
Our 3rd and final mandatory General Parent Meeting is scheduled this Wednesday, May 1 in the Hall at 6:30pm. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at Our New Parent Orientation is on May 23 on Zoom at 6:30pm.
Our Parish Fiesta is coming up May 17-19. May 13-15 we have Noon Dismissals for Fiesta Set up. There is NO SCHOOL for students May 16, 17, and 20. Please plan for childcare accordingly.
Angela Grey, Principal
Mr. Reyes, Co-Principal
(Be sure to always check, your child’s teacher’s blog, and the Parish website at for the most current information.)
- April 10-May 13 – Marian Consecration All School and Families, culminates on 5/13 during May Crowning and the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima
- April 29 – Summer Day Camp registration continues (will be capped at 40)
- April 29-May 2 – Thousand Pines 8th-grade Retreat
- May 1-30 – Hundred X EFG fundraiser for $20,000 $1.60 for each quality brand opinion
- May 1 – 3rd and Final Mandatory General Parent Meeting ($50 fine for non-participation, must attend the whole meeting)
- May 3 – Scrip Money Due, Adoration at 1:30pm (all school)
- May 6 – Student Government Campaigns Begin, National Teacher Appreciation Week
- May 6 – Student Teacher Soccer Game, tickets go on sale for Beauty and the Beast at 8am
- May 13 – Feast of Our Lady of Fatima (May Crowning led by 8th graders) Mass at 10:30am
- May 13-15 – Fiesta Set up, Noon dismissal (daycare till 3pm M-T no DAYCARE on Wed 5/13)
- May 13 – May Crowning, and culmination of All School Marian Consecration (starts 4/10-5/12)
- May 17-19 – Parish Strawberry Festival/Fiesta (see calendar for noon dismissals and Student Free Days that week due to Fiesta set up and cleanup: ) parents sign up for 8 hours per family
- May 16, 17 and 20 – NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS Fiesta Setup and Clean up
- May 22– Student Government Speeches and voting (Google Classroom)
- May 23 – New Parent Orientation (Zoom at 6:30pm)
- May 24 – Scrip cutoff date, Inauguration of new Student Government, Gradelink Blocked, end of 3rd trimester for 8th grade
- May 27 – NO SCHOOL Memorial Day Holiday
- May 29– Classroom Musical Shows (K,2,4) in Hall at 8:30am
- May 30 – Classroom Musical Shows (1,3,5) in Hall at 8:30am
- May 31 -3rd Trimester Service Hours must be tuned in to the office and posted on Gradelink, please send in your clean/gently used uniforms for the 6/4 sale by today
- May 30, May 31, June 1 – Beauty and the Beast Musical in Hall (4 shows)
- June 2 – Family Mass at 11am (8th grade wears caps and gowns, Class of 2020 to process in with 8th graders)
- June 3 – 8th grade breakfast, Activities Banquet in Hall (Sports, Folklorico, Theater)
- June 4 – Gently Used Uniform Sale
- June 5 – Crossover Day grades K-7 10:20 am (summer projects and supply lists go home)
- June 3-7 – Early dismissal for 8th grade ONLY (last week of school for them)
- June 7 – 8th Grade Mass and Graduation in the Church (8th grade only Noon dismissal), end of 3rd trimester for grades K-7)
- June 10 – regular school day
- June 11-13 – Noon Dismissal
- June 12 – Kinder Promotion in Hall (Noon Dismissal for Kinders)
- June 13 – 10 am Mass followed by 3rd Trimester Awards Assembly at 11am: 10am School Mass for Feast Day of St. Anthony of Padua (Msgr. Sal’s ordination anniversary), Blessing of bread and lilies, Last day of School Noon Dismissal. Pick up report cards at classroom after Mass, Last day of school, Happy Summer!
- July 8- August 2 – Summer Camp runs 4 weeks
Students have been reminded multiple times by me and their teachers all year that they need to keep their hands, feet, and all objects to themselves. If students are touching each other in any way, it could lead to detention or a referral. Please see the handbook progressive discipline sheet. Remind your kids to keep their hand to themselves and stay in their bubble/personal space at all times. This is becoming a safety issue.
Parents, please note that NO student in our K-8 school needs a cell phone. We have landlines available for their use. If a child is seen using their cell phone on campus it will be confiscated and will result in a referral on the progressive discipline chart. Your child’s use of devices should be limited at home (the doctor recommendation is 2 hours a day) and should only be used with direct supervision by a trusted adult. Do not let your child sleep with a device. Access to social media is NOT a good idea. Please monitor your child’s use at home. If their behavior online violates our Acceptable Use Policy, there will be serious consequences. NO EXCEPTIONS.
This Wednesday, 5/1, is the Mandatory Parent Meeting for parents K-8 in the Hall. The meeting begins at 6:30pm so please make sure to send one parent or family member to attend (limited seating). There will be no daycare, so please leave children at home. There is a $50 fine for non-attendance. Please arrive on time to sign in.
Fiesta ride tickets went on sale this weekend after every Mass. We also have ride tickets on sale in the office. Tickets are more expensive at the Fiesta, so buy your ride sheet tickets early! They are $30 for a sheet of 10 tickets and it costs 1 ride per ticket. It will be an exciting experience for all.
It is imperative for parents of returning students to complete the Registration process ASAP. We are in open enrollment and if you have not registered, your child will be waitlisted. Should you have any questions, please contact me via email at
Please sign up for the Interior Maintenance PLC for service hours that can be earned on certain Saturdays from 12:30-3:30 p.m. You can also donate Scrip at the front office for school expenses. You may buy out your service hours for $17/hour for Scrip, such as Home Depot, Office Depot, Target, Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club, and Starbucks. Next year, the price goes up to $17/hr to keep up with inflation and CA’s minimum wage.
One easy way to help you reach your $500 financial commitment is to purchase Scrip throughout the year. We accept credit cards in the office for your orders making it easier than ever! It’s basically buying gift cards to purchase things like groceries, gas, gifts, or things you need and want on a daily basis, but you can get fundraising credit for a portion of every gift card you buy! Work smarter, not harder! We have Scrip for Starbucks, Vons, Albertsons, Sam’s Club, Target, Home Depot, Gardena Supermarket, and so much more.
All visitors on campus must check in and out of the office at all times and wear a VISITOR badge. All Volunteers must be Fingerprinted through the ADLA, cleared, and have a current Virtus Training Certificate. AM and PM carline and lunch yard duty volunteers (from 12-1 daily) are needed. Please email me at if you are interested. For safety reasons, please call before you come to the office and buzz yourself in. Do not prop the door open for anyone, especially strangers. All parents are welcome to join the SAFETY PLC to increase security on our campus.
Just a reminder that our school is a member of the Community Rewards Programs for both Ralphs and Food 4 Less stores. For the Ralphs & the Food 4 Less Programs, you can opt in for the Community Rewards Program using your Ralphs or Food 4 Less Club Card. Please note that there is a different enrollment code for each of these stores. It is very important that you register the cards as soon as possible prior to the next time you use them, or the school will not receive benefits. Then please have the cashier scan the card or enter your ALT ID every time you make a purchase at Ralphs or Food 4 Less and we will receive a small percentage of each sale! We invite any parents or guardians who shop at Food 4 Less or Ralphs, even occasionally, to consider enrolling as this is an easy way to benefit the school without it costing you anything extra. We thank you in advance for your participation and thoughtfulness!
I have been conducting private tours and scheduling meetings with prospective families this month. If someone you know would like to schedule a tour on campus with me, please contact me at Don’t forget our referral incentives! You can earn up to $150 in Scrip or have it credited toward your tuition. Ask the office how!
Parents who review our school online on Yelp, Google, AND will earn up to one service hour after you send me your screenshots of all 3 sites as proof: to
St. Anthony of Padua – Pray for us
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